General Terms of Use

Version from April 26, 2024-04-26.
The following terms of use (the ”Terms of Use”) apply between the camping owner (hereinafter ”the Camping Owner” or ”CO”) and Scandinavian Camping Group AB, 556867–9129, with address Götgatan 18, 118 46 Stockholm (hereinafter ”Campcation” or ”CC”) as of intermediaries of camping and pitches. The terms of use regulate CO's use and connection to the Website [ etc] (hereinafter “the Website”). By using and registering CO on the Website, CO agrees to be legally bound by these Terms of Use and confirms that CO has read and understood them. Furthermore, through registration and use, CO agrees that Campcation may send out newsletters and updates of its offer to CO, provided that CO does not notify Campcation in writing in advance. The registration also certifies that the registered person has full capacity and authority as well as the authority to enter into binding agreements on behalf of CÄ. If CÄ does not accept or has full capacity and authority and authority to accept these Terms of Use and the Policy, CO shall not use the website.

Campcation is the responsible intermediary of the service for camping offer. As an intermediary, Campcation is only responsible for conveying the offer from the Camping Owner to the customer. The Camping Owner is responsible for the content of the offer and all handling at the site of the offer. Campcation is responsible for the user receiving a written confirmation of their booking. Campcation's services are provided with adequate technology and accuracy, however, it can not be guaranteed that all information is accurate, complete or accurate. Each Camping Owner is in any case independently responsible for ensuring that the descriptive information about the accommodation offer (including, but not exclusive, price / fee information, terms and conditions and available camping services) displayed on the Camping Website and / or Applications is accurate, complete and correct . If the service does not match the booking due to a situation that is within the Camping Owner's control, the Camping Owner is fully responsible for such a deviation. The Camping Owner's undertaking thus includes offering a booker an equivalent camping service that he has booked if a situation should arise which means that the specific service booked cannot be provided when a booker arrives at the campsite. The customer must in the following be stated as ”Campingguest” or ”CG”. If a Camping Guest does not believe that the Camping Owner has entered correct information on the Camping Website, the Camping Owner shall in the first instance seek to resolve this in agreement with the Camping Guest. If a dispute still arises between the Camping Guest and the Camping Owner, Campcation shall be immediately informed of this and given an opportunity to mediate between the Camping Guest and the Camping Owner in order to try to reach a voluntary agreement. The Camping Owner has the right to close one of their accommodation sites at Campcation completely free of charge, if the Camping Owner has fully occupied their camping and a Camping Guest is on site or calls and wants accommodation.

Cancellation policy

The Camping Owner undertakes, by registering on Campcation's Website, to accept Campcation's cancellation policy towards the Camping Guest. According to Camping's cancellation policy, the camping guest shall be entitled to a free cancellation right up to 2 days before the day of check-in for the selected accommodation with the Camping Owner. If CG chooses to cancel the accommodation after this time (less than two days before the day of check-in), the full fee for the accommodation is paid and CO has the right to charge the booking fee for the accommodation from Campcation minus Campcation's commission. CO has the right to give CG more generous cancellation rules than according to Campcation's cancellation policy, but Campcation is still always entitled to its commission of the original booking. In the event of a double booking where CG has booked accommodation via Campcation, regardless of the type of booking and accommodation, but CO still cannot offer a vacant accommodation to CG. Then CO must offer an equivalent accommodation for CG and CO must fully bear this cost vis-à-vis CG.


Campcation har rätt till 15% provision av den totala kostnaden för bokningen inklusive transaktionsavgifter om inget annat överenskommits. När CG betalar bokningsavgiften till Campcation sker det genom en säker betallösning som levereras från tredje part. Utbetalning av erhållen kostnad för bokning minus provision till CO sker i början av varje kalendermånad om ingen annan särskild skriftlig överenskommelse mellan CO och Campcation gjorts. Vid eventuell avbokning sker återbetalning till CG via Campcation, minus Campcations provision CO bestämmer själv sitt eget pris för sina olika boenden som tillhandahålls på Campcations.

Changes to the Terms of Use

These Terms of Use apply from the last change date. Campcation may from time to time update the Terms of Use. All such changes will take effect as soon as they are published. CO's continued use of the Website after the publication of the changed Terms of Use constitutes CO's approval and consent to be bound by the changed Terms of Use.

Collection and use of information

Campcation may process personal data and is responsible for personal data provided in connection with the service, or which is registered in connection with registration on the Website. Campcation may also supplement personal data by obtaining information from private and public registers. CO therefore, by registering on the Website, consents to the processing of personal data may take place within the framework of Campcation's activities. As a rule, Campcation also needs to collect, store, process and use the personal data of CO's representatives and real principals for the same purpose and CO is responsible for ensuring that these people agree to such processing. Campcation has the right to send newsletters and other information to CO to keep the person concerned informed about news and important events as well as information from our partners. CO can at any time unsubscribe from news updates and information by contacting Scandinavian Camping Group AB.

Immaterial rights

All information, text, video, audio, media files, graphics and images displayed on or available on the Website (hereinafter collectively referred to as the ”Rights”) belong to Campcation or its licensors. Campcation or its licensors, as applicable, have the full right to use all content in all ways and for all purposes, and have all intellectual property rights related to the Rights. CO does not have and does not give CO's use of the Website any ownership interest in the Rights or the Website.

The Website and the Rights are protected by Swedish and / or international intellectual property rights and / or property laws, which may include copyright, trademark, patent or trade secret rights. CO may only use the Website for personal or internal corporate use. CO may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works from, transmit or sell or resell the Website or any Content.

All trademarks, names, logos, names of products and services, illustrations and slogans contained on the Website (hereinafter collectively referred to as ”Campcation Brands”) are owned by Campcation, its affiliates or its licensors. CO may not use Campcation marks without Campcation's prior written permission.

The information that CO uploads on the Website belongs to CO or its partners or licensors. CO is fully responsible for such information and shall indemnify Campcation for any direct or indirect damage caused by Campcation or any third party as a result of such information.

Campcation has the right to use all material and information, which a CO publishes on the Website, for marketing purposes of Campcation. CO is responsible for CO or its partners or its licensors approving such use of Campcation unless Campcation and CO agree in writing in advance otherwise.


The Website may provide links to another party's website or to other websites belonging to Campcation's partners or related companies (”Third Party Websites”). These links are provided for the convenience of CO only and these Terms of Use do not govern Third Party Websites. CO's access to and trust in and use of these links and any Third Party websites is entirely at its own risk and is covered by the Third Party websites' terms of use. Campcation is not responsible for and shall not be liable or liable to CO for the rights in or use of any other party's website.

CO does not have the right to link to other booking sites unless Campcation has approved such linking in writing in advance.

Contract period and notice period

Unless otherwise specifically stated in writing between Campcation and CO, CO's agreement with Campcation runs indefinitely without a binding period.

The campsite owner can, through registration, join the Campations Website free of charge for connection. Termination must be in writing by letter by post or e-mail. However, CO reserves the right to complete the bookings made before the termination in accordance with Campcation's booking conditions.

Laws and regulations

CO agrees to comply with all applicable national and international laws and regulations when CO uses the Website. In addition, without the prior written consent of CO, CO may not: (i) access, monitor or copy content or information on the Website using a robot, spider, scrape technology or other automatic or manual method for any purpose, (ii ) violate the restrictions on any robotic exclusion headings on the Website or bypass or circumvent other measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Website; (iv) deep link to any part of the Website for any purpose or (v) ”frame”, ”mirror” or otherwise incorporate any part of the Website with any other website (any of the foregoing, an ”Unauthorized Use”).

CO may not upload or provide content created for spam, unwelcome contacts or content that is repeatedly shared in a disruptive manner, content that supports illegal or harmful activities or violence, or is profane, offensive, vulgar, obscene, threatening, discriminatory.

CO may not use advertisements or profiles that provide fraudulent, false, misleading or fraudulent details.

Violation of the Terms of Use

Campcation reserves the right to take any action we deem necessary if we consider that your use of the Website violates these Terms, infringes on the rights of any natural or legal person, threatens the personal safety of any natural person or legal person, constitutes an unauthorized use or may create liability for Campcation.

Limitation of liability

The Website is accessible ”In Existing Condition” with errors and defects without any warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, ownership, absence of infringement that may arise as a result of handling, implementation, use or custom. Without limitation of the foregoing, Campcation makes no representations of any kind about the Website that they will meet specific requirements, achieve any particular results, be compatible or work with other software / website or application, that they will operate without interruption, fulfill any standards of performance or reliability or be error-free, that any errors or defects can or will be corrected, that the information therein will be appropriate to CO's needs, or be free from viruses or other harmful components. Campcation may change and / or improve the Website at any time. In the event that any particular service or product is included on the Website, it does not imply an endorsement of the service or product by Campcation.

Under no circumstances shall Campcation be liable for any direct, indirect, penalty-related, temporary, special or consequential damages which in any way in connection with, or as a result of, CO's access to or use of the Website or with any delay or inability to access to, view or use the Website, including our investigation of CO's use of the Website, whether based on a theory of negligence, agreement, civil liability, strict liability or otherwise, and even if Campcation has been informed of the risk of such damages.

If your jurisdiction does not permit some of the above limitations, some or all of the above exceptions and limitations may not apply to CO.


CO agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Campcation, its partners and their officers, managers, employees, agents, partners, successors and successors indemnified from and against all claims, legal proceedings, claims, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, fines or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable costs of legal representation, fees and accounting fees as a result of any of the following: (i) that CO violates these Terms of Use, (ii) that CO violates any law or third party rights or (iii) that CO uses the Website or any of the Rights in violation of these Terms of Use.

Jurisdiction and dispute

CO hereby approves the Swedish jurisdiction and court in Stockholm Municipality in Stockholm County, for all disputes that arise as a result of or in connection with these Terms of Use or the use of the Website.

If any part of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a competent court, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions will in no way be affected or weakened. Our failure or delay in enforcing any provision of these Terms at any time does not imply that we waive our right to enforce that or any other provision of this Agreement in the future.

These Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement between CO and Campcation in relation to the Website and it supersedes all previous or simultaneous notices and proposals, whether electronic, oral or written, between you and Campcation in relation to the Website. CO's obligations to replace Campcation, together with any other part of these Terms which, by their nature, shall continue to apply after termination of these Terms or your right to use the Website shall continue to apply.

CO confirms that it would lead to irreparable damage if CO violates these Terms and that monetary damages in such events may be insufficient to compensate Campcation. Consequently, in the event of a breach of any of these Terms of Use, Campcation shall, in addition to any monetary compensation, be entitled to a temporary, provisional and / or permanent injunction that may be necessary to limit any continued or further breach of these Terms of Use, without showing or proving any actual damages or provide surety or comparable security. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved.

All messages must be sent to: Scandinavian Camping Group AB 556867–9129, with a copy to:

All other comments, requests for technical support and other messages related to the Website should be sent to: